archii - about

about archii

revolutionizing mental health care through immediate accessibility and cutting-edge technology

our vision

at archii, we envision a world where mental health care is accessible, personalized, and empowering. we're pioneering the integration of cutting-edge AI technology with on demand therapy to create a new paradigm in mental health support.

our mission

our mission is to leverage the power of artificial intelligence and therapy to provide unprecedented mental health support. we're committed to:

  • developing AI-driven tools that adapt to individual needs and patterns
  • facilitating immediate access to mental health providers, resources, and support
  • empowering individuals with insights and strategies for mental wellness
  • bridging the gap between technology and human-centered care

our approach

archii's approach is rooted in the synergy between advanced AI and human expertise. we believe that by combining data-driven insights with empathetic human therapists, we can provide a level of mental health care that was previously unimaginable.

our platform offers a range of services, from AI-powered mood tracking and personalized interventions to on-demand access to human therapists. this holistic approach ensures that users receive comprehensive support tailored to their unique needs.

our team

we're working tirelessly to transform the landscape of mental health care.

lauren brendle

lauren brendle

founder & CEO